She Steams yoni steaming herb blends are all designed to help a woman achieve a standard healthy cycle without any side effects. All the herbs are mixed into formulas. Each formula has herbal properties that, combined with steam, may improve circulation and reduce stagnation. Each blend also has specific herbs targeted to the type of menstrual cycle imbalance someone might be experiencing.
Herb Properties for Steam Formulas
The blends are made up with a formula which is called a universal formula. This formula is based on all the principles which each woman needs and are within each herbal blend.
Moves blood, removes stagnation or blood movers. An emmenagogue is an herb that helps to cleanse the uterus.
Address dampness, helps remove and resolve dampness, or resolves damp heat, drying in nature, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral astringent, tightening
Blood tonic gives nutrients to the blood, iron, or B vitamins to the blood, tonify blood.
Kidney/Yin tonic
Stay hydrated, nourish the body and addressing dryness, replenish fluids. YIN means fluid, kidney yin tonic, moisturizing or emollient.
Deodorizing herbs and digestive aids
Kills odor, chi circulation gets everything moving.
Aromatherapy Property
Smells good, calms spirit relaxes to make sure that the experience is good.
Hemostatic Property
Herbs that are either haemostatic or anti-haemorrhagic which may assist with blood stopping or prevents bleeding– used for people who have a uterine bleeding sensitivity (bleeding more than once a month) and short cycles (27 days or less). These herbs are only in gentle herbal blend.
She Steams Gentle Herbs are designed to help mildly clear the uterus from stagnation while also having the added benefit of possibly lengthening menstrual cycles and stopping fresh spotting or interim bleeding.
This blend is for:
- Users Prone to Short Menstrual Cycles (27 days or less)
- Users Who Have Experienced Interim Bleeding (fresh spotting or spontaneous bleeding between periods) anytime in the past 3 months
- Users Who Have Experienced two Periods Per Month anytime over the past 3 months
- Postpartum mothers who are experiencing heavy blood flow, whose periods return before 9 months postpartum or who have a history of short menstrual cycles
Note: If you fall into the categories above the Gentle Herbs are going to supersede any of the other herb formulas that you believe might suit you. These are the most important herbs for you to have.
The She Steams Cleansing Herb formula is the strongest herbal blend. It includes a strong dose of herbs with properties to clear stagnation out of the uterus and improve blood circulation to the mid-section. The herbs included may promote circulation, balance the vaginal flora, improve scent, tone skin, clear out excess mucus and nourish the reproductive organs.
This blend is for:
- Postpartum Users (during the 1-2 week time period after giving birth)
- Users with Normal or Long Menstrual Cycles (28 Days or Longer)
- Users with Missing Periods
- Users with Periods that are controlled with oral contraceptives (and the cycle is 28 days or longer)
Caution: This blend is not for women with short menstrual cycles (27 days or shorter) or women with interim bleeding, fresh spotting or spontaneous heavy bleeding between periods
The Disinfecting Herb blend is designed for women that have excess cervical mucus and infections or viruses that accompany it. It includes herbs that may help to kill bacteria, yeast and viruses while expelling toxins, reducing inflammation, getting rid of excess mucus, deodorizing and resetting the healthy vaginal flora in the reproductive tract.
This blend is for:
- Infections Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- Inflammation Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- HPV Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- STDs Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- Viruses Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- Irregular Papsmears Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- Cervical Dysplasia Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
- Cancer Accompanied with Irregular Discharge
Note: If you have any of the above and you also have short menstrual cycles (27 days or less) then you should get both the Disinfecting Herbs AND the Gentle Herbs and rotate them. If you have any of the above but it’s not accompanied with irregular discharge then the cooling or cleansing herbs would likely be the best choice for you.
The cooling herbs are specially designed for women experiencing night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness or living in hot climates. It includes herbs that help to nourish, moisturize, cool down, and provide circulation.
This blend is for:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Vaginal Dryness
- Users Living in Hot Climates
- Hysterectomies
- Infections or Viruses accompanied by vaginal dryness or burning
Caution: If you have any of the above and also have fibroids or cysts the cleansing herbs are probably the best choice for you.