
Oh my how I love books, my bed side always has a stack piled up.  I am not sure about you but I tend to have a few on the go, generally a novel, book about spirituality of some description and something health related.  I borrow books from the library,  buy specific book I know I want, some were given to me and others are gems found in the wonderings of Op shops.

Below are some of my favorite books


Bringing Yoga to Life – Donna Farhi

Yoga mind, body and spirit – Donna Farhi

Moving with the moon – Ana Davis

Yoga the poetry of the body – Rodney Yee

The Woman’s book of yoga and health – Linda Sparrowe & Patricia Walden

The Woman’s yoga book – Bobby Clennell

The bhagavad gita – Eknath Easwaran

Nearly all B.K.S Iyengar’s books there are so many!!


Women’s Wisdoms

Wild Feminine, Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body – Tami Lynn Kent

Her blood is gold: awakening to the wisdom of mensuration – Lara Owens

Growing Your Inner Light -Lara Owens

The Optimized Woman: Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Achieve Success and Fulfillment – Miranda Gray

Women who run with the wolves – Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D



Daughter of the Forest –  Juliet Marillier

Frankenstein – Mary Shelley



The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day – Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

The Magician’s Way – William Whitecloud

Secrets of natural success: Five Steps to Unlocking Your Inner Genius -William Whitecloud

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos – Jordan B. Peterson

Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World – John O’Donohue

The life-