Fertility Massage Therapy

Fertility Massage Therapy is a blend of modalities combined to bring harmony and balance to the Reproductive, Digestive & Sacral areas. On a deeper and  important level, this unique therapy re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb. Fertility massage meets you were you are, it nurtures, nourishes and supports you through your fertility journey.

Fertility Massage Therapy can assist you to remove stagnation, tension, emotional holding, and misalignment in the womb area. This helps to balance out menstrual dysfunction, connecting you with your divine body to re-awaken your womb space.

Whatever your Fertility story…

  • Whether you have been trying to conceive for a while or are at the beginning of your journey…
  • Already using natural medicine or going through IVF cycles…
  • Planning on using an egg or sperm donor…
  • Experienced previous miscarriages…
  • Same Sex, Different Sex, Single Parent…
  • Complimentary to IVF and other fertility assisting modalities…




    For booking please click HERE

    Please Note: Fertility Massage Therapy does not claim to cure or diagnose any medical conditions, nor does it replace any medical care that you are under. If you have any medical concerns, please consult with your doctor or Health Care Professional.

    Fertility Massage Therapy is a complimentary therapy that supports women during all stages of their reproductive life. There are no pregnancy guarantees from receiving Fertility Massage Therapy.