Iridology & Sclerology Health Assessment

Why Iridology and Sclerology?

Iridology and Sclerology provide a simple, painless and non invasive way of looking into the body to identify areas of imbalance, which can cause congestion, inflammation and toxicity.

Iridology is the study of the iris, which tells us about what you have inherited and accumulated in your lifetime. Sclerology is the study of the sclera (the whites of your eyes)and  reveals more about what is going on for you right now.

Markings and signs in the iris and sclera provide a detailed picture of  areas of congestion, inflammation, toxicity and inherent strengths and weaknesses in the body,

What Is the Process ?

The process is simple. A few photos are taken with a specialist camera of the various parts of the eye. It is non-evasive, accurate and quick.

I then combine the information gathered from the markers and signs in your eyes with information about your personal and family health history, along with any current health concerns you may have to identify and map out which areas of your body need support.  We then work together to create a plan to introduce simple changes such as foods, teas and activities that can support your body back to balance.

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